Inficon vacuum gauge is an instrument used to measure the gas pressure in the area of high vacuum (Density of air is lower than atmospheric pressure). Its working principle is based on the collision between gas molecules and the surface, as well as the motion characteristics of gas molecules under vacuum conditions.
Pilani vacuum gauge is an instrument used to measure low pressure or high vacuum. It determines the pressure of a gas by measuring its resistance between two electrodes, and can operate at pressures ranging from 10 ^ -3 to 10 ^ -9 torr. Because of its reliability and precision, Pilani vacuum gauge has been widely used in many fields.
Jumo sensors are high-quality and highly reliable sensors widely used in various industries. The following are the main industries and related application scenarios applicable to jumo sensors
Oil mist detector is a device used to monitor the mist like substances produced by flammable liquids such as petroleum and liquefied gas. It can detect fire hazards in the early stages and take timely measures to avoid accidents. However, during installation, it is important to pay attention to some important requirements to ensure that they can play their maximum role.
Pilani vacuum gauge is a kind of vacuum measuring instrument widely used in laboratory and industrial manufacturing. The following precautions should be observed when using Pilani vacuum timers
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